Training & Education
Our global medical leadership teams design and deliver hands-on education programs to train thousands of local medical professionals, so they can provide treatment within their own communities and share their expertise.

of medical professionals who volunteered with Operation Smile in 2014 were from low- and middle-income countries
of medical volunteers say their involvement with Operation Smile provides them with a unique educational experience and helps strengthen the surgical capacity of their local community
“Volunteering with Operation Smile has helped me design new paradigms in speech interventions that are appropriate to my community. Volunteering has strengthened my belief that speech pathology is not just a profession but an opportunity to advocate for the inclusion of families, neighbours and peers in the surgical intervention process.”
– Fernando Ligot, Speech Pathologist, Philippines, Volunteer for 14 Years
“I see different styles of skills which are not common in my country. I’ve become more confident and more capable.”
– Dr. Yemane Wondafrash, Anesthesiologist, Ethiopia, Volunteer for 5 Years
“You learn new techniques from more-experienced surgeons and you teach new procedures to the surgeons who are less experienced than you. All of this helps make you a better surgeon.”
– Dr. Mahmoud Bataineh, Plastic Surgeon, Jordan, Volunteer for 14 Years